Monday, May 7, 2007

made in taiwan

not really, but i'm here for about three hours. all the damn filnight scenes were going in my head while checking in, gloria's suicide song, and hella other stuff. i passed out during most of the flight and only woke up for meals and to catch the last half of the pursuit of happyness. food was good, ramen was spicey. no real revelations right now except the idea that "this is asia". there is no order for bording except for business class. people start to get up and line up at the plane door while the plane is still moving and the fasten seatbelt sign is still on and you hear hella different languages surrounding you. also all the duty free shopping is wierd to me. this terminal is more of a mall with the 'trendy zone' and 'spirit way' stores behind me, but at least they got free internet. you can feel the humidity. i'm still trippin in more ways then one. off to explore and look at all the stuff i wont buy.

lets see if this post will work. 80% of the computer text is in chinese.

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